Looking for a fun holiday activity to pass the time? We’ve got you covered. Take a spin with our Letter to Santa mad lib for a guaranteed jolly-good time!

Your Letter to Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you’re having a very ____(Adjective)____ holiday season so far. I don’t know if you remember me, but my name is ___(First Name)___ ____(Last Name)____. I asked for a(n) _____(Noun)_____ last year? I never got it, though. You mentioned something about it being too “____(Adjective)____” and “____(Adjective)____” to put under a Christmas tree? And maybe a valid point or two about my ____(Adjective)____ behavior…

I’m writing to tell you that I’ve been a very _____(Adjective)_____  ____(Noun)_____ this year. Like, super _____(Adjective)_____. For starters, I didn’t even ____(Verb)____ this year (well, maybe one time. Or ____(Number)____. But it’s certainly an improvement from last year). I did, however, have one ____(Adjective)____, ____(Adjective)____ slip-up. And I think you’d better sit down for it.

It all began last winter. I decided early on that I would kick off the New Year by performing my fair share of ____(Adjective)____ deeds. My first act of kindness? ___(Verb Ending in “-ing”)___ my neighbor’s ____(Noun)____. I was doing a pretty ___(Adjective)___ job of it too, when all of the sudden, I noticed a(n) ____(Noun)____ ___(Verb Ending in “-ing”)___ on the ground. Naturally, I had to ____(Verb)____ it. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that it had a ____(Adjective)____ glow to it… a real Christmas-y kind of vibe. And, well, you know me. How could I not take it home?

So I get back to my house. Lo and behold, the ____(Noun)____ began to glow again, and this time a gift magically appeared before my very eyes! Could it be that the item I “found” grants wishes? What was the harm in __(Verb Ending in “-ing”)__ it again? Y’know, for science. And so, I tried it again. And again. And about ___(Number)___ more times, until my house was completely overrun with ___(Adjective)___ gifts. I know what you’re thinking: “classic ____(Name)____!” But this time, I really did try to set things right. I tried wishing the gifts away so I wouldn’t get in trouble, but the ____(Noun)____ had stopped working! And to make matters worse, I noticed that the owner’s initials had been written on it: “S.C..” Small world, huh?

So, you may have noticed that your ___(Noun)___ is missing. What I’m trying to say here is that I stole your___(Noun)___.  I totally stole your ___(Noun)___, man. On a scale of ____(Number)____ to ____(Number)____, how ____(Emotion)____ are you about it? And would you like it back? I’m gonna need your P.O. box number if you want that back. And maybe some ___(Noun)___ for the mailing fee. And do you count an honest confession as a(n) ___(Adjective)___ deed? Will this affect my nice list status?

Anyways, you know where to find me; my house is the ___(Color)___ one on ___(Street Name)___… that is, coincidentally, also swamped in ___(Plural Noun)____ . You can’t miss it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Good luck with this year’s Christmas run! And, seriously, do you want your ___(Noun)___ back? Because I don’t mind holding onto it for a little while.

All the best,
