Puns. You either love them or hate them. In each case, they’re a surefire way to get a laugh, whether it be from how genuinely funny it is, or over how terrible it is. That’s the beauty of a pun: even a bad pun is a good pun. That’s why they make the perfect Halloween party tool to have in your arsenal for playing host or for becoming the life of the party.
Thankfully, we’ve searched the globe to bring you the very hottest in Halloween puns to dazzle guests and ghouls alike. After all, the only thing that lifts spirits more than puns is a ghost elevator. We’ve got plenty of puns for a whole host of Halloween situations…
- For the jack-o-lantern decorating contest: I dropped a pumpkin the other day and made a squash.
- A solid pun for starting the party: I forgot to pay the exorcist and got repossessed.
- Running into a risqué cat costume: What’s your favorite scary movie? Purrranormal Cativity?
For when you see the inevitable vampire costume: Are you sick? I hear vampires are always coffin.
- The perfect follow up: Could I interest you in a neck-tarine?
- If they’ve had enough: Sorry, I bet these puns suck more than you!
Right before you serve the food at the Halloween Party: Bone-appétit
- Right after that one: Don’t all just start goblin it all!
- Seal the deal: We bought it all from the ghost-ery store
Perfect for enchanting some witches: I was going to be a witch, but failed a spelling test.
- If they look like they are running late: You better check your witch-watch
- When they get annoyed that you’re making so many witch puns: No need to fly off the handle!
Congratulations, you’re now a certified Halloween pun king. Sorry these were so candy corny.