Here’s a sneak peek of what our friends at Bustle are saying about our Halloween costumes:

“If you’re a dog owner, Halloween is probably one of your favorite holidays. I mean, is there anything cuter than dressing up your furry friend? No, I think not. And while it’s always fun to dress up with other people, nothing tops matching dog and owner costumes for Halloween. Besides, there’s a good chance that you already do everything together; celebrating the spooky holiday should be no different.

The first step, however, is taking into consideration how your dog feels about clothes. Some pups don’t mind wearing outfits. In fact, dogs with thin coats might actually like the extra layer during the cooler months. Meanwhile, other dogs might not love it, so don’t forget to pay attention to their reaction and body language.”

Read the full article here.

Shop all of our Halloween costumes and pet Halloween costumes!
