Here’s a sneak peek of what our friends at Elite Daily are saying about our Stranger Things Halloween costumes:

“Ever since Stranger Things premiered in 2016, it’s been impossible to go to a Halloween party without someone dressing up as a Stranger Things character. Eleven’s Season 1 look has been a fan-favorite Halloween costume for a long time, but the third season just dropped on Netflix in summer 2019, so I have no doubt her Season 3 looks are going to be top costumes this year, too. But since Eleven and Mike are pretty much inseparable, you can’t have one without the other, so you know what? They would be a great idea for a couple’s costume! Make sure to grab your bestie or S.O. and get to buying because these Eleven and Mike from Stranger Things Halloween costumes are perfect for that Halloween party you have planned.”

Read the full article here.

Shop all of our Stranger Things Halloween costumes, accessories, and more!
