Here’s a sneak peek of what our friends at My Everyday Lifestyle are saying about our Halloween costumes:

“Happy Halloween! This has always been my favorite time of the year. A day or days (if you are me) where you can dress up in costume and have fun. This past weekend I finally was able to put on my spiderman or aka Spider-Woman suit I got from Spirit Halloween to celebrate my birthday and felt like a superhero! Spider-Man, created by writer-editor Stan Lee, is one of the most popular and commercially successful superheroes. He has super strength and agility, the ability to cling to most surfaces, shoot spider-webs using wrist-mounted devices of his own invention, which he calls “web-shooters”, and react to danger quickly with his “spider-sense”, enabling him to combat his foes. What’s not to love about him! In a sticky situation? Always call Spiderman or … Spider-Woman.”

Shop all of our superhero Halloween costumes!


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