💀 Horrorscopes to make your skin crawl.
Keep Your Eye on These Dates…
- July 3: Full buck moon in Capricorn
- July 10: Mars enters Virgo
- July 17: New moon in Cancer
- July 22: Venus Retrograde AND the start of Leo season
- July 23: Chiron Retrograde
What’s Happening with Your Zodiac Sign?
It’s time to explore the scary side of the stars and see what this summer has in store for your poor, tortured soul. This month is all about Cancer and surviving two retrogrades, so grab some tissues and get ready to dig deep. These cosmic crabs are ready to shake things up under the full moon.
What July’s Horrorscope Means for *You*
Find your sign (if you dare) and see what hidden horrors lie ahead this month. Be afraid… be very afraid.
Tread lightly, Aries, for your fiery spirit may attract the wrong kind of attention this month. Thanks to Chiron transiting in your sign, past traumas may echo through the corridors of your mind, urging you to confront long-buried fears. However, not all is lost. Facing your fears headfirst just so happens to be your forte, which is key to unlocking your true potential this month.
Take advantage of the July 3rd full moon. This is a perfect time to manifest and spell cast, as luck is on your side.
Prepare yourself for a month filled with witchy enchantment, Taurus. Because Venus is your sign’s ruler, Venus retrograde on July 22nd greatly influences you. This means coaxing those inner demons out of hiding. Leo’s passionate, confident energy meets the planet of love and harmony, which means it’s time to reflect on allll your situationships.
Remember that it’s okay to embrace the unknown, Taurus, for it’s in these moments of life that true magic resides…
It’s time to say goodbye to your old self (or should we say “selves”?), Gemini. With Chiron retrograde highlighting your 11th house of community and social circles, you might feel somewhat lost this month. Cancer season encourages you to get in touch with your deepest, darkest secrets. Now is the time to get your bearings.
Emotional Cancer and wound resurfacing Chiron retrograde are working together to put you in your feels this month, but a little tear never killed nobody, right?
Happy Birthday, crabby Cancers. Everyone knows you are deeply connected to the spirit realm, even more so this month. After a restful Gemini season spent wallowing in self-pity and hexing your exes (they deserved it!), you’re ready to emerge from your hard outer shell and embrace the eerie, mystical energies this month offers.
Chiron retrograde may drag some inner fears to the surface, but this month? You’re ruling the stars and definitely are not afraid to show your claws.
This month, you’re locking the door and throwing away the key, Leo. You have a month to rest before your yearly cycle is complete, and your social calendar couldn’t be more dead. Use this time to hone your black magic skills, hex your exes, and practice full moon rituals.
We know you’re itching for some limelight, Leo, but it’s not time to shake up the stars yet. Our advice? Sometimes your inner demons are the best company.
It’s time for a reckless witches’ night out with your coven, Virgo. You’ve been hell-bent on working yourself to the bone (show-off!), but this month your inner socialite is ignited. So plan that big night out, a séance with your coworkers, or maybe even reach out to an old flame.
PSA: Mars, the planet of passion, enters your sign on July 10th. Don’t be surprised if you’re oozing with irresistible energy.
Something wicked this way comes, Libra, and it looks like it’s you. Whether you struck a deal with the devil or just got lucky, you’re stepping into your power this month. Head of the coven, final girl, voodoo queen, no matter how you flip it, you’re the it girl.
You’re not the cutthroat type, and that’s okay! Your power stems from your natural compassion and kindhearted authority. Don’t let any witches tell you otherwise.
Creature of the night? More like creature of habit. You might seem scary on the outside, Scorpio, but we know there’s nothing you love more than the comfort of your routine. Your travel sectors are being lit up this month, which means you’re craving adventure and might even find yourself exploring some uncharted territory.
What’s life without a little risk, anyway? Take advantage of this newfound fire in your soul (for good or bad!).
Be prepared to drown in your feelings this month, Sag. We know your archer energy doesn’t let you wallow for too long, but there’s no escaping your demons this time. Because Chiron retrograde is messing with your sign’s creative sector, you may feel deflated and have difficulty finding your way.
We know “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” is your motto, but seriously, try and get some shut-eye this month. You’re going to need it.
With cranky Cancer season shedding light on your partnership sector, expect your relationships, romantic or platonic, to be on the chopping block this month. Don’t be afraid to bury a dead relationship and explore a new flame. Trust your gut—it will be your guiding light this month.
You devilish sea goats would do well in pairs this month. Find a partner in crime and wreak some havoc together!
You’re a true unconventional spirit at heart, Aquarius. This month you’re ghosting, well, everyone, and can most likely be found at home, content with the voices in your head keeping you company. The good news is that you’re checking off your to-do list left and right! 1. Attempt to turn your cat into a familiar, 2. Conjure a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, and 3. Master your broom riding skills (still working on that one…).
Be careful, Aquarius, your mind is a complex labyrinth that’s easy to get lost in. This is your reminder to come up for air sometimes.
The tides are changing, Pisces, and you seem to be coming into your own. Your sign’s romance, creativity, and play sectors are pulled out of the murky waters, making this a great time to explore the depths of your artistic abilities.
Let your emotions flow freely through your desired artistic outlet and bask in the midnight moonlight. The possibilities are endless!
How are you spending the season of the crab? Coming out of your shell, we hope. Don’t ghost us! Come back next month for Spirit Halloween’s Monthly Horrorscope for August.