Here’s a sneak peek of what our friends at The Storibook are saying about our Halloween costume collection:
“Halloween is always a fun family event at our house. The kids and I always look forward to it every year and it’s a day filled with a bunch of tradition. I usually prepare a big dinner and our families (including grandparents and Russ’ nephew) come over for a family meal and then we all head out together to trick-or-treat among our friends and neighbors.
And, of course, for such a big evening we have to make sure we’ve got the perfect costumes! Each year the boys and I make a fun trip to the local Spirit Halloween store to try on costumes which always means lots of laughter and silliness. This year was no exception and we enjoyed a little playdate – trying on costumes and laughing! We had a hard time picking our favorites!”
Read the full article here.
Shop all of our new Halloween costumes!