Who knew Halloween costumes could say so much about a person? When it comes to choosing what to dress up as for Halloween, we know that each person’s unique personality plays a major role in the selection. With everybody’s favorite holiday right around the corner, we rounded up some of our awesome costumes and matched them to your personality traits! Let’s get started.

The Corpse Bride

You keep everyone guessing about you. People would describe you as mysterious and shy. While others may be intimidated by you, deep down you have a heart of gold and you’re a hopeless romantic. You’re glamorous yet elegant and would never leave the house without a full face of makeup and your favorite accessories.

Gomez Addams

You’re typically found either smooth talking your way out of a sticky situation or staring at your own reflection. On a more serious note, you care deeply for your loved ones and would protect them at all costs. People would describe you as a lady’s man, but your ultimate goal is to spend the rest of eternity with the love of your life.


You’re persistent, inquisitive, and you aren’t afraid to get your hands a little dirty. You approach life with a sense of adventure but can oftentimes be too quick to trust others. You have a unique sense of humor that is only shared with your closest friends.

Freddy Krueger

You have a great appreciation for the classics and can be a bit of a film snob. You’re a minimalist in most aspects of your life but enjoy making a bold statement from time to time. You have many guilty pleasures and most of them involve an adrenaline rush. Others may be wary of getting too close to you, and they would be right!

Sarah Sanderson

Most people would describe you as ditzy but fabulous! When you walk into the room all eyes are on you (but you’re too clueless to notice)… You enjoy causing mischief throughout your life but it often backfires.

If you see anyone dressing up in these costumes this Halloween, you’ll know exactly the type of people they really are. We’d love to see all the awesome costumes you and your friends are wearing so be sure to send us pictures of your favorite Halloween looks to our socials @SpiritHalloween! Always be sure to check out our blog for more Halloween inspiration!